About the speaker:
Chelsea Rose is an historical archaeologist who focuses on the settlement and development of the American West. She is a principal investigator in the Oregon Chinese Diaspora Project (OCDP), which won the 2020 Oregon Heritage Excellence Award and the 2020 Bureau of Land Management Heritage Heroes award. Chelsea serves on the board of the Oregon Historical Quarterly and also on the governor-appointed Oregon Heritage Commission. She has been featured in books and magazines promoting STEM education, and her recently published Chinese Diaspora Archaeology in North America, is available from the University Press Florida. Read more here and here. |
Suggested Resources:
Oregon Historical Quarterly: https://www.ohs.org/research-and-library/oregon-historical-quarterly/ Jacksonville Chinese History Tour: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/99d148a55d63408cbba4c6717974d3fd The Ah Heng Mining Complex: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/69715bf891b14a0eb39cd4d1d6b4d451 Unearthing Oregon History, the Buck Rock Tunnel: https://www.ohs.org/blog/buck-rock-tunnel.cfm Oregon sites on Explore APA Heritage: exploreapaheritage.com/index.php/state/oregon/ |
SOU's Laboratory of Anthropology: https://www.facebook.com/SouthernOregonUniversityLaboratoryofAnthropology SOU's Chinese Material Culture Collection: https://soda.sou.edu/chinese/index.html Stanford's Cangdong Village Project: https://cangdong.stanford.edu/ Portland Chinatown Museum - past public programs: https://www.portlandchinatownmuseum.org/public-programs/ Passport in Time: http://www.passportintime.com/index.html |